Lower your time-to-fill with a talent cloud that’s built, filled, and expertly managed by High5
A job post provides a one-time return. But a talent cloud is a sustainable asset that continues providing ROI. In a noisy world jostling for talent’s attention, here’s how a company-branded talent cloud, managed by High5, helps you stand out:
Your talent management cloud is automatically fed by your daily talent acquisition efforts and through High5’s networks. We also lower your time to hire by keeping your talent cloud network filled with:
Candidates in your intelligent talent cloud are proactively matched to your open requisitions. We ensure messages are personalized, relevant, and timely so that they’re always welcomed. In fact, the average candidate response time is only 17 minutes—faster than any other talent cloud platform.
Our recruiters monitor your trending needs to ensure your talent pipeline meets current and future skills. From our vast talent network, we fill your talent cloud with skills based on:
Advanced AI-matching identifies and suggests the best candidates for future jobs, including project-based work. Our matching is so accurate that you enjoy the highest submittal-to-hire conversion rate of any talent cloud platform (33%).
Successful talent cloud solutions provide an equally positive experience for the candidate and company. It’s disheartening for people to apply for a job and never hear from the company, or have their application rejected.
That’s why our processes and technology are mindful that you’re not just filling engagements, you’re connecting with humans. Some ways we nurture relationships between you and talent include: